December 19, 2012

2012: A Year in Books | Blogging

Credit: George Deputee
Warning: this is going to be the sappiest post of the year. I'll try to keep the cheese at bay as much as I can, but I can't make any promises. Also, don't forget to check our Best Books of 2012 list.

This is the last post of the year and I’m going to use it to tell you how grateful I am for your support. When I started the blog I expected it to be a lonely experience, but after almost two years I can tell you that the sense of community and friendship has made this one of the most enriching, less lonely experiences of my life. I look forward to seeing reading what 2013 brings.

I want to give a shot-out to Jade, Jen and Jess, who were among the first bloggers I met, and whose support and friendship has been unwavering. And no, they are not triplets, even if their names suggest otherwise (although if I ever have triplets, that’s what I’m naming them before asking TLC to give us a show). Another shot-out goes to Nath, JulieBrianna and Mandi, whose names don’t go together as well as the J’s, but are equally awesome, and make me feel dizzy with happiness every time we talk. And last but not least, many thanks to the ladies at Dear Author for the coolest 15 minutes of fame ever. These are just a tiny sample of the many bloggers who have supported us and make the community a fun place to belong to.

This year a small but talented group of authors visited the blog. They shared with us a bit of themselves and their writing process. I hope they visit again next year. 

I also started blogging for Heroes and Heartbreakers, and discovered new blogs, bloggers and reviewers that made the internet even more special. Liz, Natalie, Kaetrin and Marilyn have great voices, unique points of view and amazing insight. Their contributions to the community is invaluable, and they are lots of fun.

To every person who ever stopped by the blog, thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts and opinions with us. As usual, if you have suggestions and or petitions (what would you like to read more of, book recommendations, ideas for opinion topics, etc.) all you have to do is contact me. All the feedback is welcome and appreciated.  

My wish for 2013 is that the world doesn't end before I get to read Michael’s book. That is all.

I’ll be back in about three weeks. In the meantime, happy reading!

What a sap. Thank God that *spoiler alert* Joey ended up with Pacey.
I know I keep using random pictures that have nothing
to do with the post but this one was too good not to use.

One last, slightly random thing! Today (12/19/12) The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley, one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors, is on sale, but only on e-book. I think the sale applies to every e-retailer. Here is the Kindle link.Buy it, read it and let me know! 


  1. Awwww. Have a wonderful holiday!!!

  2. Awww. This is pretty much how I feel about blogging, and getting to "know" you and your blog--as well as a lot of the others you mention--has been a highlight of my blogging year, too.

  3. Awwwww! I remember we started blogging around the same time and I was so happy to have a romance blog to follow! It feels like we're from the same graduating class or something. :) Have a fantastic holiday and we'll see each other come the new year, because the world cannot end. I still have to read Qhuay's book, so it CANNOT! *hugs*

  4. Awww, LOL I love how we all had the same reaction! Thanks so much for the shout out Brie Brie! I feel the same way about the community and how easily we all embrace and support each other. I always can get good recs from you when I come here. Especially regarding contemporary romance and romantic suspense, so I appreciate what you ladies do here!

    Hope you have a safe and happy holiday! I look forward to your reviews and discussion posts in the new year!

  5. Aw, thanks Brie! I think you are awesome too! And you are so right, getting to know other bloggers has been one of the best parts of having a book blog. It is such a fun and wonderful community.

    Thanks for always putting up with me when I have a million questions for you!

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your time off! Hugs!

  6. I'm getting all choked up :)

    Also, what LizMc2 said.

    Love your blog and chatting with you and discovering new books to squee over.

    Have a great Christmas Brie (and enjoy all the phone smex!)

    Will you be on Twitter break over Christmas?

  7. It was awesome to meet you in 2012 as well, Brie! Can't wait for us to start 2013 :) And LOL, so far so good on your wish for 2013!

  8. Awww, that's a wonderful end-of-year post! I hope you have the best of holidays, and wish you all the best for 2013!

  9. Awww, had to chime in with my awww, too. Brie, it's been a treat getting to know you and I look forward to getting to know you better in 2013. The community of romance readers is something unique in my experience.

    You're something of my guide to the contemporary romance, you know, and I'm even going to try some steampunk on your say-so. No pressure :-) but my thanks.

    Happy New Year!

  10. I'm so glad our paths crossed! I love chatting with you and I love your recommendations. And because we have similar reading tastes, I'm totally going to stalk the other peeps you gave kudos to :)

    Happy New Year!!


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