January 28, 2012

Winners! (Shameless Giveaway & Xavier's Loving Arms)

The winner of Xavier’s Loving Arms by KT Grant is: Jade

The winner of Broken by Megan Hart is: Andrea I

The winner of Liberating Lacey by Anne Calhoun is: Marina M.

Emails are on their way so check your spam folder just in case and if you didn't get anything send me an email to brie.clementineATgmailDOTcom


I’ve never had this much fun doing giveaways as I did with these, and I hope you had fun also.

Thanks to KT Grant for offering a copy of her book as a price, and thanks to everyone who took the time to comment on her guest post. I had a blast reading all your answers and I think it was the funniest post we have had on the blog.

I want to thank everyone who was part of the Shameless Giveaway Hop: blogs, authors and readers. You have no idea how happy and amazed we are. The response was overwhelming and thanks to you the hop was a huge success. Also, thanks to all the new followers of Romance Around the Corner, we have new friends on Twitter, RSS Feed and GFC, that was a pleasant surprise and we appreciate the support and hope to see you back soon!

Finally, I just want to say that Michelle and Jen are the best cohost ever and that they are made of awesome! 


Blogger likes to eat comments, so I suggest copying it before hitting "publish" just in case it doesn't go through the first time. This is a pain, I know, but it's the only solution/prevision I can think of, and it will save you the frustration of losing a comment. Also, thanks for visiting!

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FTC Disclaimer

The books reviewed here were purchased by us. If the book was provided by the author or publisher for review, it will be noted on the post. We do not get any type of monetary compensation from publishers or authors.