November 30, 2011

Interview & Giveaway: Louisa Edwards

As you probably know by now Louisa Edwards is one of my favorite contemporary romance authors, so you can imagine how happy I was to be able to interview her. I hope you enjoy reading her answers just as much as I did.

Hello Louisa, welcome to Romance Around the Corner. I’m thrilled to have you here today because I’ve been a fan of your work for almost two years now, ever since first reading Can’t Stand the Heat. So if I start squealing please ignore me, it’s just my inner fan-girl trying to come out, she will go away eventually.

November 29, 2011

Review: Some Like It Hot by Louisa Edwards

Source: we received an e-ARC of the book from the author and publisher for review purposes.

Contemporary romance is my favorite subgenre because the books in that category are filled with sexy and entertaining stories that are just plain fun to read. Louisa Edwards’ books are a fine example of the genre and Some Like It Hot is no exception.

This is the second book in the Rising Star Chef series and if you’re new to it you should know that the series follows our leads through a cooking competition where teams representing restaurants from all over the country battle it out in order to win. In the first book the protagonists were Juliet Cavanaugh and Max Lunden, both members of the same team, in this book the leads are Max’s younger brother, Danny, the team’s pastry chef, and Eva Jansen, the contest’s host and the person in charge of all the behind the scenes.

November 28, 2011

Review: Unscripted by Natalie Aaron and Marla Schwartz

Source: we received an e-ARC of the book through NetGalley for review purposes.

Unscripted follows our heroine, Abby Edwards, as she tries to make a living in Hollywood while working as a producer in the world of reality TV. We see her trying to come to terms with the fact that her dream of being a screenwriter won’t come true, having a job that is hard and demanding but not as rewarding as she would like, and overall struggling to find her place, be successful and achieve happiness. In the process we meet Abby’s best friend Zöe, who has her own struggles, and a set of different characters that are part of Abby’s life, some of them help her, some of them become obstacles, but all of them impact her in some way. All of this is set against the background of Reality TV, a complex and interesting world that acts almost like another character.

November 26, 2011

Winners! Small Blogs, Big Giveaways 5th Edition

We want to say thanks to everyone who took the time to enter the contest and follow the blog, we appreciate the support and we hope to see you back soon.

The winners are:

The first winner will choose 13 items from the prize list + US$10 gift card
Entry #1045 J.C. Martin
The 2nd will choose 12 items after the 1st winner has chosen + US$10 gift card
Entry #1004 angel
The 3rd will get 11 items after the 2nd winner has chosen +US$5 gift card
Entry #927 Velvet Hubler

And the gift card winners are…

Entry #1408 DAYLE BUTLER
US$10  OR Barnes and Noble
Entry #694 Dinky
Extra winner: US $5
Entry #1480 Miranda Sherman
Results powered by
Contest powered by Rafflecopter

The winners have 48 hours from the date the email is sent to reply and claim their prizes. If you do not contact Nat over at Reading Romances within two days a replacement winner will be selected. NO EXCEPTIONS.


November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you guys have a fun day with your families, eat a lot of delicious food and if you’re going shopping tomorrow I hope you don’t get trampled to death by a crazy shopping mob! If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, then be grateful for all those extra calories you WON’T be eating and that you won't end up looking like the cat in the second picture…. Although I do have a sinful recipe that you might want to try: PumpkinPie Snickerdoodle Bars and if you’re more into savory stuff then try CreamedCorn Gratin With Fried Onions & Bacon (because bacon makes everything better).

This has been a busy week, which is why there was only one lonely review, but be sure to stop by next week because there will be lots of fun stuff including an interview with author Louisa Edwards (very appropriate since we're talking food) and a giveaway. Also, remember that there’s still time to enter the Small Blogs, BigGiveaways contest, lots of goodies up for grabs and it’s international.

Happy eating and reading!

November 21, 2011

Review: Head Over Heels by Jill Shalvis

Source: we received an e-ARC of the book through NetGalley for review purposes.

Jill Shalvis writes the type of contemporary romance that I love to read, she gives us sexy, funny, charming and entertaining stories that leave you wanting more and Head Over Heels is no exception to the rule.

This is the third book in the Lucky Harbor series and if you are not familiar with the books you should know that the series is about three sisters who shared the same mother but different fathers and grew up apart from each other. When their mother died they inherited her house in a small town called Lucky Harbor. Despite having clashing personalities they decided to work together in order to restore the house and turn it into an inn, and because this is a romance, they find their soul mates in the process.

November 19, 2011

Shameless Giveaway Hop: Sign Up Now!

You know how we love those McSteamy and McBurning books, right? Well, we want to share the love for racy books with you guys so we decided to do this Shameless Giveaway Hop, because we love scorching hot sex scenes and we are not ashamed to say so!

November 18, 2011

Winner: Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins

The winner of the copy of Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins is Jess.

Congratulations! I’ve already emailed you so please check your spam folder just in case. If you didn’t get my email leave me a comment here or send me an email to brie.clementineATgmailDOTcom

Thank you everyone for participating! It was great reading all your answers and talking about bad boys with you. I hope to see you all again soon! And thanks to Kristan for visiting us and to her publicist Katie for providing the price.

You can still try your luck with the Smalls Blogs, Big Giveaway contest that's taking place right now, there are tons of goodies up for grabs and that one is International so everyone can participate.

Small Blogs, Big Giveaways 5th Edition

The Biggest International Bookish Giveaway Online 

36 Books split between 3 winners + 6 Gift Card Giveaways! 

Follow the event on Twitter 

Hosts, Featured Authors & Other Giveaways 

November 17, 2011

We are Mystery Bloggers!

You probably know Rebecca over at Kindle Fever, but if you don’t, her blog has a very interesting feature called Mystery Blogger where she does a quick Q&A session with different bloggers every week so that we can get to know a bit more about the people behind the blogs we love to read.

Today was our turn and we are very happy about it especially because Rebecca was one of the firsts bloggers we met and she’s been our friend ever since. So head over there to read our interview and while you’re at it take a look at her fantastic blog.

Thank you Bex, we had a wonderful time answering your questions!

November 16, 2011

Review: First Watch by Peter Hansen

Confession time! I totally judged this book by its cover and that's the only reason I read it. I mean, how can you look at that and not want to read what’s inside? So I got it and I was ready for a parade of tentacle-sex WTFckery. Instead, I got a very interesting and well written horror story that kept me on the edge of my seat and only freaked me out a bit. Yes, there’s tentacle-sex, but the craziness level is surprisingly low once you get used to the monster.

Edouard Montreuil was mortally wounded during battle when a voice asked him if he wanted to live. He said yes without knowing that the voice belonged to a monster who wanted something in exchange. Ever since then he’s been part of the crew of the Flèche, a submarine captained by the same monster that saved his life, cured his wounds and now demands that Edouard surrenders his body every night. The Captain is an otherworldly creature that disguises itself as human by hiding his tentacles and real appearance under human flesh.

November 15, 2011

Review: Because of You by Jessica Scott

Source: we received an e-ARC of the book through NetGalley for review purposes.

Because of You marks the debut of author Jessica Scott. It seemed to me like everyone was reading and loving this book. I kept hearing great things about it and since I don’t like feeling like I’m missing out on something -and I love military romance- I decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did.

Shane Garrison is an Army infantry sergeant about to leave for Iraq. He’s an honorable guy, responsible and committed to his work and to the soldiers he’s responsible for. The Army is his life and he is willing to do and sacrifice anything for it. The night before leaving he meets nurse Jen St. James. Sparks fly but they don’t give in to the attraction because he’s about to deploy and she’s recovering from the physical and emotional scars that breast cancer left her with.

November 14, 2011

Interview & Giveaway: Kristan Higgins

Contemporary Romance and Romantic Comedy are my two favorite subgenres. So when I was presented with the opportunity to interview Kristan Higgins I did a little fan-girl happy-dance, because you can’t be a fan of Romantic Comedy and Chick-Lit without knowing who she is.

I’m happy to share with you this short Q&A session so you can all get to know a little bit more about this wonderful author.

Please let’s give her a warm welcome!

November 11, 2011

Review: All They Need by Sarah Mayberry

Sarah Mayberry is one of my favorite contemporary romance authors, and one of the main reasons why I love the Harlequin SuperRomance line so much. I wanted to read this book but I was wary about it as well because it deals with a subject that touches close to home: Alzheimer’s. Needless to say this book had me crying from page one, but regardless of how that makes it seem this wasn't an overly dramatic read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

The book opens with a party that our hero, Flynn Randall, is attending. Suddenly a woman catches his attention and he is immediately attracted to her. The woman is our heroine Mel Porter, a statuesque, full of life, and very married woman. What comes next has Flynn feeling even more attracted to her and everyone else talking: Mel falls into a fountain while trying to recover a piece of jewelry that someone lost. Mel isn’t embarrassed at all but her husband doesn’t seem happy about it, so they leave the party. Flynn only gets a last glimpse at her.

November 10, 2011

Winners! North of Need by Laura Kaye

The winner of  the e-copy of North of Need by Laura Kaye is: Jolene and Family

The winner of the trading card set is: Victoria

Congratulations guys! I’ve already emailed you so please check your spam folders just in case. If you didn’t get my email leave me a comment here or send me an email to brie.clementineATgmailDOTcom

Thank you everyone for participating! I had tons of fun reading all your answers, I hope to see you all soon. And special thanks to Laura and her publicist Danielle, for inviting us to participate in the blog tour and for providing the prices.

November 8, 2011

Review: By Honor Betrayed by Alex Beecroft

Source: we received an e-ARC of the book through NetGalley for review purposes.

When I saw this book on Netgalley I wasn’t familiar with Ms. Beecroft’s work, but I’ve been meaning to read more historical romance and since this was a novella I figured that if I didn’t like it at least it would be short. Obviously I shouldn’t have worried since it turns out that I was in the presence of a fantastic book by a great author.

By Honor Betrayed is set during the year 1750 (the blurb has the wrong year) and tells the story of Conrad and Tom. Conrad is a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and Tom has been his servant since they were very young. Their relationship is different from the average master/servant because they are, above all, friends who care and respect each other. Conrad feels strongly attracted to Tom and knows that the feeling is mutual, but a relationship between them is forbidden and punished with death so they must resist the temptation and fight the attraction.

November 7, 2011

Review: If You Hear Her by Shiloh Walker

Oh Shiloh Walker, you evil mastermind! What have you done to me?

I’m a huge fan of Ms. Walker’s work, especially her romantic suspense novels, but when I got this book I did it under the wrong impression. I don’t know why, but I thought this was one of her romantic suspense  stories with a bit of a paranormal touch. I think I was confusing the book with The Departedher January release which was the book I was eagerly anticipating (and still am), so when I realized that this wasn’t it, I was a bit disappointed. The disappointment lasted about two seconds, the time it took for If You Hear Her to captivate me and make me forget that this wasn’t the book I originally wanted to read.

November 4, 2011

Giveaway & Guest Post: Laura Kaye

We have a different type of guest post today. Author Laura Kaye is here today to talk about her newest release, North of Need. But instead of talking about a general topic, she’s doing a character profile. This way you get to meet her new leading lady and know a bit more about her.

Please let’s give a warm welcome to Laura Kaye and her heroine Megan.

November 2, 2011

Review: To the Moon and Back by Jill Mansell

I’ve been meaning to read Mansell’s books for a while now. A couple of years ago someone gave me Millie’s Fling as a gift but it got buried under my huge TBR pile so I kind of forgot about it. Then my friend Jade over at Sort of Beautiful wrote a nice review of Miranda’s Big Mistake, and so I decided to finally read one of her books, but instead of reading the one I had or the one with the great review, I got this one because I absolutely hated the premise. Crazy, right? But to my way of thinking, if I like the book with the unappealing plot, then I’ll probably love the rest. I think that my weird logic worked because To the Moon and Back passed the test with flying colors, it wasn't  without flaws, but it was a fantastic read.

November 1, 2011

Review: Pricks and Pragmatism by JL Merrow

I’m joining in on the fun of Virgin Hero Week with my very own review of one of the best stories featuring a virgin hero I have read: Pricks and Pragmatism by JL Merrow.

Merrow is one of my favorite m/m authors; you really need to give her books a try because they are fantastic. I think most of her books -this one included- are novellas or short stories, so they’re perfect if you don’t have that much time to read.

Pricks and Pragmatism is the story of Luke, a college student that, like most college students, is broke. But unlike your average student who works a couple of crappy jobs to support himself through college, Luke has developed a rather morally challenged method: he gets rich guys to pay for his expenses and to give him shelter in exchange of sex. You could say that he’s technically a prostitute although he doesn’t see himself as one. He enjoys the sex and the company, and he even enjoys the expiration date on the relationship because he never gets attached to his partners, or so it seems.
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The books reviewed here were purchased by us. If the book was provided by the author or publisher for review, it will be noted on the post. We do not get any type of monetary compensation from publishers or authors.