This is a review quite different from what we are used to, it’s about a whole series and not just one book. The reason for this is that I waited a looooooooong time to start this series, until it was finished (which is totally what I will do from now on when a series starts getting all the buzz like this one).
Anyway, I love faeries and faeries stories, and if you mix faeries with romance nothing can get in my way until I have my hand on it. Or, to be perfectly honest, the only thing that can get in my way is a cliffhanger ending, which is THE definition of this set of books. My first recommendation: if you are planning to read this series buy all the books first, otherwise the angst is going to kill you. I read the whole five books in four days which means that I didn’t work on my dissertation during those days and my sleep time was full of dark and scary shadows.