August 30, 2013

Giveaway: Stay With Me by Elyssa Patrick

Elyssa Patrick has been a member of the Romance community for years now, and I’m happy to see her succeed as an author. She also has a thing for rock stars, but who doesn't, right?

Her latest book, Stay With Me, released earlier this week, and it’s a New Adult story about a very famous young star that grew up in the spotlight and is ditching Hollywood to go to college and maybe have a chance at a normal life. Things aren't that easy for her, but at least she meets a dreamy guy who makes it all better.

Elyssa has kindly offered an e-copy of Stay With Me to give away on the blog today, so this is going to be a quick giveaway post. For a chance to win, fill the Rafflecopter thingy at the end of the post and also leave a short comment saying you’re in, so that if Rafflecopter malfunctions I can manually pick the winner.  Contest open to all.

August 29, 2013

Guest Review: After the Kiss by Lauren Layne

Our friend Sarah is back with another great guest review. Sarah is a library science student and a part-time librarian. She runs the blog Sarah’s Bookshelf and you can also find her on Goodreads.


man wearing a suit embracing a woman wearing a red dress. She is pulling his necktie Source: a review copy was provided by the publisher through NetGalley

Every year I make a point to find at least one new author that I can shout from the hills about. This summer has been a bit of a bust, and I had almost lost hope, but then I got my little hands on After the Kiss by Lauren Layne. This book was so much fun that I actually had a really tough time putting it down. It's a fairly short read, but well worth the time. It's a romantic comedy, but definitely has it's more dramatic moments.

Layne sets up her Sex, Love, & Stiletto series in a Women's fashion magazine office. Columnist Julie Greene has been tasked by her editor to write outside of her usual fling-related comfort zone and see what moving a relationship to the next level entails. Julie, always one for a challenge, reluctantly agrees to take on this project. With the help of her besties, Grace and Riley (also columnists at Stiletto) Julie ends up meeting Mitchell Forbes, a Wall Street workaholic. Julie, the queen of flirting and superficial relationships, gets thrown in the deep end of the pool with Mitchell, a serial monogamist. Little does she know that Mitchell is also trying to date outside his comfort zone. He's trying to do the casual fling thing and has set his sights on Julie as an easy target. However, neither of them is prepared for the truth of their relationship, or the consequences of the choices that lead them to one another.

August 22, 2013

Random Musings: Blogging Platforms, Publishing Experiments and Spoilers

Pink card picturing a woman sleeping on her desk and the text Your laziness is outstanding even by August standards
Source: Someecards

If you were wondering why things have been so quiet around the blog, the answer is that my blogging mojo decided to leave. I’ve also been busy and tired, which means that I’m using all the energy I have left on being lazy and doing nothing but read.

In order to lure my mojo back, I’m going to spice things up a bit with a post that’s all about old news, new news that I didn’t properly analyze and a rant. Because let’s face it, there’s always some energy left to whine.

August 8, 2013

Review: His Uptown Girl by Liz Talley

After reading Wendy’s review, the first thing I did was buy the book. The way she described both the story and her reaction to it, made it impossible for me to resist reading it. The novel turned out to be as good as she said, and although there were some things I didn’t love, I’m glad I read it.

Eleanor is a 39-year-old widow struggling to put her life back together. Her cheating husband was murdered by his mistress (who then committed suicide) leaving Eleanor immerse in a political scandal. Her daughter is almost out of control and her judgmental mother-in-law is a constant headache. But at least she has her store. The problem is that a club is about to open in her neighborhood and she’s worried that it will bring nothing but constant trouble and annoyances, which is why Eleanor is actively trying to prevent the club from ever opening. So it’s quite humiliating when the hunky stranger she awkwardly tries to seduce turns out to be the owner of the club.

August 6, 2013

An Illustrated Review: Guardian Demon by Meljean Brook

Source: A review copy was provided by the author. 

Warning: One spoiler for the previous books and one somewhat vague spoiler of something that happens in the first chapter of this one.

As you guys know (because I keep telling you), this is my favorite series, and the final book, Guardian Demon, was one of my most anticipated book of, well, ever. So it's a bittersweet moment for me, because as much as I enjoyed the book, saying goodbye to a beloved series is never easy. The good news is that I read the book in May, so I’ve had time to get over the book hangover, and this review won’t be a blubbering mess.

Remember how Nath and I wrote a post filled with theories about the book? Well, it turns out that we suck at guessing, because of all our theories the only one we kind of got right was this one:
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The books reviewed here were purchased by us. If the book was provided by the author or publisher for review, it will be noted on the post. We do not get any type of monetary compensation from publishers or authors.