March 28, 2011

Review: Breaking The Rules (#16 Troubleshooters Series) by Suzanne Brockmann

I'm going to try to make this review as spoiler free as I can, but maybe, just in case, don't read it if you don't want to know anything about the book, even vague references to the plot.

I have to be honest, I was a little scared about this book; I mean, when you have so many expectations about a book, is more likely that you are going to be disappointed, and this one was in my top five of “most expected books ever”! While I can’t say that I’m disappointed about Izzy’s book it wasn’t my favorite.

The plot was alright, I actually enjoyed it, but maybe you should at least read the previous book Hot Pursuit.  I can’t lie and say that I loved it, for me this plot cannot be compared with those of the first Troubleshooter’s books, which are amazing and are some of my favorite books (specially Over the Edge that, let me tell you: Is the best Romantic Suspense book ever).

Review: Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

I found this second installment in the Caster Chronicles fascinating, even though the beginning was a bit slow for my taste; there was a point where I had to force myself to keep reading it (just for a couple of chapters), but God, my pep-talk was worth it!

I am always on the look out for stories set in the South; there are so many legends and ghost stories! The South’s magical realism is beyond wonderful, so I’m always thrilled to see (or better, to read) how the author uses this amazing source of story-telling and transforms it into a story. In this case I can easily say that Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl did a fine job. The story is entertaining (and more so when you past the first chapters) and have some moments creepy enough to give you goosebumps.

I really love Liv and I think that her relationship with Ethan is a clever way to make his character (a 16 year old boy) more realistic. He is a teenage boy with a really problematic girlfriend who he can’t be really physical with; of course that he is going to compare it to how easy it could be to have a regular human as a girlfriend. As usual Link is hilarious and in this book his friendship with Ethan reaches the “friend for life” level.

March 27, 2011

Review: Sweet as Sin by Inez Kelley

I liked this book a lot, but I was expecting something different based on the cover and the reviews. I was expecting an erotica novel with a tortured hero with an awful past, and what I got was a very steamy novel (but not on the erotica levels of hotness) and a tortured hero with an awful past (but not the levels of awful that some reviews let me to believe). And this is all I’m saying about the hero’s backstory because that’s the big mystery/revelation and I’m not ruining that.

John Murphy, the hero, is a YA writer/illustrator who just moved to a new house and instantly feels attracted to his new neighbor, pastry chef Livvy. They decide to act on the attraction and enter a no strings attached sexual relationship. The thing is, that even though they start the relationship as a temporary fling, they also develop feelings for each other. The Problem is that he doesn’t do commitment and is full of secrets, some of them quite bad if his nightmares are any indication. The rest of the book is about how they deal with that, the feelings, the past and each other. Parallel to this we get parts of the book Jon is currently working on, and is this story within a story, that sheds the most light on his troubled past.

March 23, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday!

Parajunkee had the greatest idea for us new blogs to find a way to be known out there, and also for us to find new blogs to follow. I’m leaving this post open in case you want to say hi, and if you click on the image above you will be redirected to their follow Friday section if you are new like us and want to join in too!

This week's question is:

Q. How did you come up with your blog name?

To be honest there’s nothing behind the name, I actually thing it was the first or second name we came up with, we goggled it to see if it was taken and that was it. Of course, now that the blog is up and running we found out that we can’t even google ourselves, so maybe there is another Romance Around the Corner out there and we just don’t know it!

Review: All I Ever Wanted by Kristan Higgins

The first –and only- Higgins’s book I read was Too Good to Be True, and to be honest I didn’t think it was that good. It did keep my interest, and it had some fun parts, but I didn’t see what the big deal was, so even though I did enjoy it, I didn’t feel the need to go and read Higgins’s other books.

Yesterday I was in the mood for some romantic comedy and decided to give Higgins a second chance, so I went and bought All I Ever Wanted. At first glance this one was pretty much the same as Too Good to Be True, a quirky heroine, a brooding hero, a dysfunctional family and a dog… But oh boy did I like this one! After a couple pages I found myself laughing out loud (which is pretty uncommon for me), identifying with the heroine (two words: food baby, being there, done that), wanting to know what was going on with the hero, and loving the grandpa, loving the dog, loving the sister, the mother, everything!

March 21, 2011

Review: One More Soldier by Marie Sexton

This was such a beautiful book and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I liked it. It’s a very short story and I really don’t want to give away that many details, but I had to write how good it was and hopefully encourage people to read it.

Is 1970 and 35 year old Will has known 18 year old Bran since he was an 11 year old kid learning how to swim. Bran has been away for the past year and when he comes back the dynamic between them changes. Bran is a man on a mission, and what he wants is Will. Will adamantly refuses his advances because he can’t separate this Bran from the kid he knew, and because of the seventeen-year difference between them. But when Bran tells him that he has been drafted and is leaving in two weeks, everything changes.

Review: Believe in Me by Laura Moore

What better way to start our blog than with a great book right?

I discovered Laura Moore a year ago, just after the release of Remember Me, the first book of the series. I was instantly hooked, and after finishing I read her complete backlist and I can tell you that I loved every single one of her books. I was very excited when Believe in Me came out and I could finally know what would happen to Jordan.

Even though this is the second book of the trilogy (there are three sisters and each has her own book, the last one available next year), Believe in Me stands alone quite well and it isn’t that spoilery for the first one, although it’s nice to see the evolution of the characters and the first book is really good, so you might want to read that one first.

We're OPEN!

Finally our Grand Opening! well, not so grand because we’re only posting a couple of reviews, but the blog is officially up and running, we are having tons of fun and can’t wait for you to join us!

March 9, 2011

We are building it!

Hello everyone!

Our Blog is currently under construction, which is why is looking quite empty right now, please come back in a few weeks when we’ll be posting our first reviews. See you soon!
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The books reviewed here were purchased by us. If the book was provided by the author or publisher for review, it will be noted on the post. We do not get any type of monetary compensation from publishers or authors.