July 6, 2013

Heroine Week: Wherein I Tell You How Awesome It’s Going to Be and Why

Welcome to Heroine Week, an event whose main purpose is to celebrate female characters and focus the conversation on them.

Heroine Week is all about, well, the heroines, but also about the guests. They made this event possible, and I’m grateful and honored to host their insightful, funny and thought-provoking posts.

Here’s a tiny preview of what you can expect:

Monday starts with a bang thanks to authors Sarah Mayberry and Stephanie Doyle, followed by super blogger (and librarian) Wendy. The topics will go from everyday heroines to POV’s, all spiced up with a nice dose of Westerns.

Tuesday is Unlikable Heroine Day, with posts by Nicole Helm, Molly O’Keefe and Rebecca Rogers Maher.

Wednesday is going to be eclectic and personal. Mary Ann Rivers will tell us why heroines come first. The wonderful Kaetrin from Kaetrin’s Musings will share her experience as a hero-centric reader who has progressively been moving towards the middle. And Rebekah Weatherspoon will talk about the importance of black heroines and diverse characters.

Thursday will be filled with “Best Of” lists. It will start with my post about Meljean Brook’s heroines. Next, I ask Smexy bloggers Tory, Mandi and May to name their favorite heroine, and wait until you see their picks. And one of my oldest blogger friends, Jen from Red Hot Books, will list what she considers the best Urban Fantasy heroines.

Friday is all about strength, feminism and YA (not necessarily in that order). We’ll have posts by Jill Sorenson, Sarah from Clear Eyes, Full Shelves, and me!

Saturday will feature heroines whose traits go from the most obviously heroic, to the quiet and surprisingly strong.  Amara Royce, Jennifer Lohmann and Ros Clarke will share their thoughts on interesting, complex female characters whose heroic qualities may not always be evident, but are certainly there.

Sunday is the final day, but before I share some closing thoughts, Shelley Ann Clark will be talking about the different portrayals of female friendship in the genre. And one of my favorite bloggers, Angie from Angieville, will list her favorite Fantasy heroines.

I bet that by the end of the week we will be

Fuck yeah, Heroines!


  1. I am so excited for all of these posts! What an awesome project--thank you for all your work in putting this together.

    1. Thank you for participating! You guys are the ones who made it possible.

  2. This sounds like a real fun week. I can't wait. Some great authors listed and some new to me, but I always check them out. See ya Monday!

    1. It's going to be lots of fun. See you then!

  3. I'm so happy to be a part of this Brie. Thank you for spurring us all to join in. I'm so looking forward to what everyone has to say. Happy Heroine Week! :)

    1. Yay! Happy Heroine Week! I feel like we should have a cake ;-)

  4. I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to this, being a very heroine-centric reader. I just wish things hadn't been quite as busy at work these last couple of weeks so that I could have contributed :(

    1. If this one goes well (I think it will, but fingers crossed) I'll do it again next year, and hopefully you will have time to participate. Also, next year I won't be improvising so much, and I'll have more time to plan it. But I do hope to see you during this week.

  5. Super, super lineup. I can't wait!

  6. Love the idea behind this-yay for the heroines!


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