July 11, 2013

Heroine Week, Day 4 – Kickass Heroines for Kickass Readers: Jen’s Favorite Urban Fantasy Heroines

You probably know Jen from places such as Red Hot Books and the slightly NSFW Tumblr, Red Hot Men. I know her from my earlier days as a reviewer, because she was one of the first bloggers I met, and we have been friends ever since. If Jen were to become a heroine, she would get a book like Dirty (take a look at her Tumblr if you don’t believe me).


Kickass Heroines for Kickass Readers: Best Urban Fantasy Heroines by Jen from Red Hot Book

I know contemporary romance is the Big Thing right now, but if you are looking for a little girl power, there is no better genre than urban fantasy to find it.  These women have it all: kick ass powers, sexy heroes, and often a razor sharp wit to round things off. True, they have their fair share of problems as well, but you can’t have a story without conflict! Here is a look at some of my all-time favorite UF heroines.

Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Kate Motherfucking Daniels  Obviously, there is no F-bomb in her middle name, but there should be! Kate is the epitome of the UF heroine.  She is crazy powerful. Loyal. Smart.  Strong.  She has a grand nemesis in her father; and an ubersexy Beast Lord as a mate.  She is just tough enough to drag herself through everything life has thrown at her.  But she is vulnerable enough to  make us worry that this time the outcome could be different.  There is no heroine I love to root for more than Kate!

Skinwalker by Faith Hunter

Jane Yellowrock  She’s a vampire hunter and shapeshifter who shares her body with spirit of a mountain lion. Her love life is like a frustrating game of find the ball under the moving cups. (There has to be a real name for that game, right?) But she tries to do the right thing and live according to her moral code.  She doesn’t curse, but she kills a lot of bad guys.  Hey, it works for her!

Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep

Gin Blanco   She is an assassin feared by even the most powerful villains. Not only can she harness the power of two elements, but she is damn good with a knife.  Her douchebag boyfriends keep breaking her heart, but she remains loyal and unwavering.  She protects those who need it most and is never afraid to get her hands dirty.  Plus –the girl can cook!

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson  What I love about Mercy is that she isn’t biggest badass in town.  She is just a coyote shifter surrounded by far more powerful supernatural creatures. Yet, she uses her brain and her other skills to survive all the shit that gets tossed her way.  And let’s not forget, she has Adam to keep her bed warm at night. Rrrrraw.

Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison

Rachel Morgan  I know that not everybody loves Rachel. She has made some boneheaded and impulsive choices over the course of the Hollows series, but she has grown so much.  From a struggling witch to a daywalking demon, her powers have evolved along with her maturity and her revolving door of a love life.  The loss she endured with the death of He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named, still makes me cry to this day.  I was a blubbering mess, people.  It’s a fantastic series I will be sorry to see end, but I can’t wait for the big Trent payoff!

First Grave to the Right by Darinda Jones

Charley Davidson  If you like you’re heroines with a side serving of humor, Charley is your girl. This grim reaper is anything but grim – there are few books that make me laugh out loud as much as these do. For crying out loud, she names her body parts.  And Reyes.  (*Swoon*) Who knew that the son of Satan could make such an amazing lover? Charley, you lucky lady.

If any of these series are new to you, I urge you to give them a try. UF is such a great genre. And even though the heroes are mighty memorable, it’s the women who make the stories so great!

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  1. I'm not the biggest fan of UF, mostly because I don't like series with the same recurrent character, but you are tempting me, Jen!

    Also, and I know this is a bit of the norm, but I love that all the covers only feature a woman.

  2. So many worthwhile women in UF, as your list suggests Jen :) I have a mad love for the Kate Daniels series, as well as anything Patty Briggs writes - :)

    I also really love Seanan Mcguire's Toby Daye, Diana Rowland's Kara Gillian, Jenn Bennett's Arcadia Bell, Lisa Shearin's Raine Benares, and Michelle Sagara's Kaylin Neya.

    The women are strong, but with vulnerabilities - and most definitely flawed. I like how with UF you can see the series progress - and with the growth of the characters as well. Kate Daniels isn't the same person she was in Magic Bites as she is in Magic Slays.. and watching that play out through the pages of the subsequent books makes for a fantastic read.

    With a couple of notable exceptions, I don't read UF for the heroes, it's *all* about the women that take center stage.. and the world they inhabit. :)

    1. Sing it. I agree that for me it's all about watching these heroines grow. And, man oh man, nice list to add to Jen's. Rowland's Kara Gillian!

  3. I love Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson. I'm just about to listen to Spider's Bite. So far I've listened to only the first Charley Davidson. I didn't think I would like UF because I'm a romance reader at heart, but I really do.

  4. LOL Brie, I actually like to have the same heroine in a series. More development possible :P

    And I second most of Jen's pick! :) All very good series. I can't comment on Rachel Morgan and Jane Yellowrock because those are two series I don't read... although I might be picking up the books by Faith Hunter very soon :P

  5. Gin Blanco is one of my all-time favorite heroines. She's so kick-ass, I love it. I also loved Mercy, which reminds me, I need to catch up with that series.


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