June 4, 2013

Heroine Week: Ideas and an Invitation to Join

Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
For the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about writing a couple of posts focused on Romance heroines. When it comes to characters, the conversation often revolves around the heroes, which is perfectly fine, but the heroines need love too.  Then I thought that one or two posts wouldn’t be enough, so why not make it a whole week dedicated to celebrating female characters? And because I’m just the best at naming things, I came up with the name Heroine Week*. I'm so clever I can't even stand it.

The thing is that I can’t do it alone, and having diverse input is way more fun than hearing the same person talking over and over. So if you like the sound of this idea, I would love for you to join Heroine Week by writing a guest post. It can be anything heroine-related, for example: a list of your favorite heroines; a recommendation of books that feature unique or remarkable heroines; one post dedicated to that one heroine that deeply resonated with you; a post about the way traditional gender roles have shaped the genre; the different, more subtle ways a heroine can be strong (besides the obvious kick-ass way); the appeal of unlikeable heroines; the top 10 heroines of 2013 (or of each sub-genre); etc. It can be fun, serious, light and/or complex; the goal is to talk about female characters, discover new books to read, and above all, to have fun.

This is an open invitation to everyone: readers, bloggers and authors. Email me your ideas, thoughts and recommendation to brie.clementineATgmail.com You’re all welcome to participate, and I look forward to hearing from you, so don’t be shy.

I’m still in the early stages of planning the event, and whether it happens or not, it will depend on how many people are willing to participate, so fingers crossed that you guys like the idea. I’ll keep you posted!

*I will also accept ideas for a different name.


  1. I think this is a neat idea. I would love to participate. I'll have to go back and really look through past heroines. When do you need the posts?

    1. I'm thinking of doing the event in July (maybe the first week). But nothing is set in stone. If you're interested, email me your ideas ;-)

  2. Team Smexy would like to submit a post :)

  3. I think this is a marvelous idea and would love to participate--I'll have to think of a hook, though! (My creative synapses are not firing on all cylinders at the moment. :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah! You can email me at any time, but no pressure. I adore your blog and it would be great to have you.

  4. i love this and would love to write something. i think i know just what i want to do, too. ~daphne

  5. Great idea! I can giveaway some of my books and some books I love with great heroines if that would suit!!!

  6. I'd love to join in. Will have to put my thinking cap on to come up with something. (the pressure!!)

    How long do I have to come up with an idea? :)

  7. I'd love to participate, Brie. *puts on thinking cap*

  8. Brie it sounds like you already might have a weeks worth of posts, but yes absolutely I would do a blog if you needed. Let me know... like Molly I can offer up a few copies of some of my Bombshell books that really featured the heroine.

  9. Thanks, guys! I will email you all as soon as possible.


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