November 27, 2012

Review: The Girl with the Cat Tattoo by Theresa Weir

This book is almost entirely told from a cat’s POV. If that didn't send you running the other way, you’re probably getting it now, just like I did when I first heard about it. It sounds a bit wacky, and it is, but it’s also funny and unique. 

Max’s human is Melody. He’s worried about her because she keeps bringing men to their home, men that just spend the night and leave. Thus Max does what any cat would do and pees on the men’s clothes so they know that they are not welcome. But he also knows that Melody hasn't been happy since her husband died two years ago. So he decides to take matters into his own hands --or paws-- and goes out in search of a mate for her. What follows is a bit of an oddball romance that includes a mystery, kitty shenanigans, Ellen DeGeneres and cupcakes.

The Girls With the Cat Tattoo is such a quirky story, that just thinking about it makes me smile. It’s not to be taken too seriously, but it deals with some dark issues like the death of a spouse, violence, and the best way to walk a cat. It sounds silly, but it never crosses the line into ridiculous. Or I don’t think it does, but I’m a fan of cats, so maybe I was blinded by love. But regardless of how the idea sounds to you, I think you should give it a try. Romance can be repetitive, and stepping out of our comfort zone from time to time can be nothing but interesting. 

The main character is Max, and even though we see into his head, he never loses his animal qualities. This is not a human inside of a cat, it’s a cat that thinks and does cat stuff. Obviously the matchmaking part is a very human-like characteristic, but even that was approached from an animal perspective. It’s a very clever way to tell a story.

Melody is a great heroine, she has sex with a bunch of men and it's never a problem. She cares about her cat, dresses like Alice in Wonderland and is a bit lost. Maybe the idea of a cat narrating a book doesn't appeal to you, but I bet you want to know more about this Alice in Wonderland costume. 

The love story is cute and romantic, and it’s the main focus, even if it doesn't seem like it. There’s even room for a mini big misunderstanding, a suspense subplot and some action. So it packs a lot of punch, a quirky fun punch. I know that this won’t be for everyone, but if you like cats, it’s a must read. Believe it or not, it’s one of the best stories I've read this year, even if I’m not sure how to label it. It’s a bit expensive for a novella, so download the sample first to make sure that you like the style. To me, it was perfect.

Review by Brie
Grade: 5
Sensuality: McDreamy
Purchase: Amazon

For cat lovers everywhere, this sweet, quirky, and delightful romance is about a young woman and her matchmaking cat. 
A little bit of mystery, a whole lot of whimsy.  
When a matchmaking cat takes it upon himself to find his young mistress a new mate, he accidentally stirs up memories better left forgotten. 
Melody’s husband was murdered by what seemed a random act of violence. Two years later, the killer hasn’t been caught, and Melody is coping in unhealthy ways. During the day she’s a mild-mannered children’s librarian, but at night she’s a party girl, hanging out in bars, drinking with new friends, and often bringing home strange men. Although acquaintances have tried to keep in touch, Melody has cut herself off from most of the people in her old life. Max, her eccentric cat, doesn't approve of her new friends, he’s tired of the parade of losers, and he finally takes it upon himself to find Melody a new man.
Belfry Press. May 29, 2012.


  1. I have never heard of this but I just bought it. it looks very cute. thanks for the review. ~dixie

    1. That's awesome, Dixie! I hope you like it as much as I did ;-) Let me know!

  2. The concept sounds really cute. Too bad I'm not a fan of cats at all. Still it sounds like a quick and fun read from a very unique perspective. I wonder at the hijinks of this cat in trying to hook his owner up with a good man.

    1. What? You don't like cats? We can't be friends anymore *grins* I'll keep my eyes open for a similar book that features dogs ;-)

  3. Exactly, Max never loses his animal qualities. I picked this up awhile back and was worried that the cat would end up talking or being human in his reactions. He never did, he stayed cat all the way through.

    I also thought that the writing was exceptionally good for such a whimsical little story. I was disappointed to see in the author's blog that she has put aside the sequel, at least for now.

    1. She's been writing for a long time, so the quality of her writing is not surprising, cat or no cat. I'm sad she's not working on the sequel because the way it ends, I assumed Max's brother would get a story. Hopefully they will.

      I guess this novella wasn't as successful, but I think it's a story she really wanted to tell, and I'm glad she did. It's a shame that with all the successful crap out there, quality stories like this one don't get the recognition they deserve.

  4. Sounds very interesting :) Although perhaps it'd work better for me if it was told from a dog's perspective. However, I hear you on it being refreshing and different ;) Hmmm, 5... worth checking it out, definitively :)

    1. You guys are breaking my heart. Dogs are needy! LOL I love dogs, but cats are special. If you read it, let me know!

  5. Seeing you tweet about this review I thought it was some sort of sequel to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so I'm really SHOCKED to actually click on the review and get... this. Haha

    I'm definitely adding it to read asap though. I just love different it is.

    1. It would be the worst sequel ever! I don't like the titles that play on other titles, but this one works.

      Let me know how you like it!

  6. Normally this wouldn't grab me, even though I love cats and even have them as pets.. but you've done a swell job of getting me very close to that one click button!

    1. That one-click button is evil, evil! LOL Honestly, I wouldn't gravitate towards a book that seems made of whimsical, that's just not my thing, but I'm glad I took the risk.


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