September 26, 2012

The Not-So-Secret Baby on the Cover

This is a random post because I didn’t have a review ready for today. But, have you noticed all the books with babies on the cover? It’s insane! Yesterday I bought one, and Amazon started recommending them to me. 

Some come with adults:

And this one:

But some are all about the babies:

If you think one baby isn’t enough, this will make you happy:

Good thing it says "Baby on Board",
because nothing about this cover scrams baby. Nothing!

And more!

But wait, they keep multiplying:

Tina Leonard sure loves babies!

Fortunately for us, the last cover got a makeover because this is how it used to look like:

Run Mr. Teddy Bear, run!

I feel like I’ll get pregnant just by looking at this post. I just hope I end up with a cute baby and not one of the evil-looking from the last cover.

You know what can’t get you pregnant? Masturbation! And lucky for you, I just wrote a post about it for Heroes and Heartbreakers. You can go read it here

See? I told you it was a random post. Have you read any of these books? Do you even like babies on books? 


  1. OMG...I just snorted my coffee with your masturbation sentence.

    Off to read of course....

    1. My job is done! LOL It's about heroines and their sex toys, BTW ;-)

  2. I do not like babies on book covers. I see a baby, I don't even pick up the book. As the saying goes, reading is an escape. Well, it wouldn't be much of an escape for me, a mom, if there are babies involved.

    1. I don't mind babies on books, but baby on covers are the least romantic thing ever, at leas to me. Who can get in the mood for love with a baby staring at you?

  3. LOL, Brie!! Great post to introduce the subject :P

    Gotta admit, some of those covers are freaky ^_^;

  4. Sooo many white babies. I don't know why that was what stood out to me about those covers. I'm a total sucker for the single father/mother trope so I don't mind them on the cover much. I don't like it when it's just the baby/babies though. It's weird for a romance novel.

    1. All those white babies go with all the white couples. Let's face it, there's little diversity in romance.

      I also saw a couple of covers that only had baby shoes on them, those were even freakier!

    2. Exactly. That's why it was odd that the white babies stood out to me since most romance covers are so very white, haha. (Kind of like how the ubiquitous 'white girl in a prom dress' YA covers poke at me now, too.)

      Those baby shoe covers sound so weird. I'm sure they're super cheap to produce, but not only does it not say anything about what the book is about, it kind of seems more like a birth control ad than 'hey, read my romance novel!'

    3. I found the baby shoes cover. Creepy, right? I'm totally reading that one, though, it's on my wishlist ;-)

    4. Haha, I kind of want to read it, but that cover is really ominous. It's like they're haunting you.

  5. Not a fan of the baby covers. Just doesn't make me think of romance. Sure they're cute, but in reality, sometimes they smell, they yell, and they need constant attention. So NOT romantic.

    And you are killing me with the masturbation bit.

    1. I wanted to post the H&H link but do it in a fun way ;-)

  6. OMG, nothing is less sexy to me than the idea of triplets! I love my kids and all that, but I so don't want to think about children when reading romance. Certainly not a book with so much focus on kids. My word - triplets on the cover would scare me away in two seconds. I mean let's get real - no one with 6 month old triplets (and rarely even single babies at that age) are having much sexy times. They are barely sleeping through the night at that age!

    1. I know! If one kid is hard work, three must be insane! Who has time to get frisky? Who even wants to?!

  7. Great post! Now that my kids are older, I don't mind the millions of babies in romance novels (though a lot of them are really unrealistic about what it is actually like to be pregnant or have a very young baby), but those covers are truly awful. Then again, I think that about a lot of romance covers!

    And great post at H&H as well. It reminded me how much I like Pamela Clare (I've read both of the ones you mention) and off I went to the Kindle store to download the next I-Team book...

    There is something about heroines who are comfortable enough with their sexuality and their sex toys (and the heroes who find that hot) that really works for me.

    1. Yeah, Romance cover could use some improvement. I prefer when they have some type of landscape, like the new Superromance covers. But I think I'm the only one who likes those.

      Thank you! Pamela Clare is awesome. Which one did you get? Breaking Point? I really liked that one, well, I love all the I-Team books. I hope you enjoy!

      Women with strong sexuality works for me also, and I really like it when the hero loves it as well and finds it sexy. Like in Pamela Clare's books, that's one of the reasons why I used those quotes.

    2. I got Naked Edge. It's the next one in sequence, I think, since the last one I read was Sophie and Marc's book. I am loving the Native American heroine. I am not sure there are all that many romances out there with a believable Native American heroine. This one seems good on that front, though I can't claim to know whether the Navajo details are correct.

    3. Sorry to keep posting anonymously. I am not totally sure how to establish a profile when I don't have any of the listed accounts. I've never commented here before.

    4. I think more than a right way there's a wrong way to do it, and this isn't it. She's not cartoonish and it looks like Ms. Clare did her research. She's not my favorite heroine in the series, but I loved the book.

      You can comment anonymously all you want! I'm just happy to have a new reader. For future reference, there should be an option that says Name/URL, if you click on it you will see two different boxes to fill: one says name, write your name there; and the URL one is in case you have a website or blog you want to link to, but if you leave it blank your name will show on the comment. I hope this makes sense, but if you can't make it work keep commenting anonymously and just write your name at the end so I know it's you ;-)

    5. OK. Testing this now. I finished "Naked Edge" last night and really liked it. She may not be my favourite heroine in the series either, but I think she's pretty darn good. I am now sad that there is only one book left in the series (for now, anyway) so I think I'll save that one for a while.

    6. Yay! It worked.

      I think the next book in the series comes out next year, hopefully early and not December, 2013. I'm really looking forward to that one.

  8. Lol. That's a lot of babies! I like reading romance that have babies...eventually but I don't know about putting them on the cover.

    1. Yep, I'm with you. Take them out of the cover, and even the titles. It's not really romantic.


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