June 17, 2012

Winners: Shameless Summer Giveaway Hop

First, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter the giveaway and to all the other participant blogs and authors. You’re the reason why the Hop was a success and I can’t wait to do it again. Especial thanks to Michelle and Jen for being the best co-hosts ever! 

The winner of The Reluctant Nude by Meg Maguire is Maggie Wells
The winner of Ride with Me by Ruthie Knox is Book Savvy Babe

Congratulations ladies, emails are on their way. See you next time!

1 comment:

Blogger likes to eat comments, so I suggest copying it before hitting "publish" just in case it doesn't go through the first time. This is a pain, I know, but it's the only solution/prevision I can think of, and it will save you the frustration of losing a comment. Also, thanks for visiting!