May 15, 2012

H&H: Dude-Lit

Second time's a charm!

My post on Dude-Lit is up on Heroes & Heartbreakers (this time for real!), you can go read it now. In case you're wondering Dude-Lit is what I call books that have all the ingredients to be labeled as Chick-Lit but instead of a chick they have a dude. So the main character is a man. Interesting trend that I've encountered lately. Hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!


  1. Dude-lit! You heard it here first, folks! Let the record show. :D

    1. LOL! Yep, this is how I'll became famous, my self from the future came and told me so it must be true, also, I ran out of vodka ;-)


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