April 13, 2012

News and Announcements: Cheating Heroes & Heartbreakers

I’ve got some news to share with you all!

I’ll be blogging over at Heroes &Heartbreakers, the community website dedicated to everything Romance. I bet you’re already familiar with it but if you don’t, you should check it out because it’s a great way to interact with other Romance fans, find out about new books and other interesting topics.

Today I’m blogging about cheating heroes with a twist, because I talk about two books featuring two different types of cheating heroes that I actually enjoyed (I reviewed one of the books here). I think it’s a different take on a much talked about subject, one that show us that maybe we can enjoy hated tropes when handled right. So come on over and let me know what you think!

Also, in case you’re wondering, Romance Around the Corner will remain the same, I’ll still be reviewing and blogging here as usual. The offer of a guest reviewer spot is still open, though, so if you’re interested email me at brie.clementineATgmail.com. I’ll write a detailed post on this next week.

I’m out for the weekend so I won’t be able to answer comments until Sunday, I hope you enjoy the post and let me know how you like it.

See you around!


  1. Way to go Brie, Excellent guest post!

  2. Hey Brie, I tried to comment on the other site but ran into too many problems with the Captcha. Here's what I tried to put:

    I still think cheaters are deal breakers but I won't stop if I've already started. I've found that while I don't always forgive the heroe, the journey is often a good one that I enjoy reading about.

    1. I think it's all about the journey and not as much as the actual cheating. But I think we should at least give it a try. I still hate the trope, but as I said, when handled right I know I'll be able to enjoy the book. :-)

  3. Well well well! Look who's getting all famous! ;)

    Congrats, Brie! I'm sure it will be a wonderful endeavor for you. Your reviews and commentary are fantastic. You articulate your thoughts really well and engage in friendly, thoughtful discourse with fellow bloggers. Have fun!


Blogger likes to eat comments, so I suggest copying it before hitting "publish" just in case it doesn't go through the first time. This is a pain, I know, but it's the only solution/prevision I can think of, and it will save you the frustration of losing a comment. Also, thanks for visiting!