April 17, 2012

Help Wanted: Guest Reviewers

Hi everyone!

I have mentioned a couple of times before that we’re looking for guest reviewers, so this post is to give you more details about it, let's call it the official post.

We have been blogging for a year now and I would love to add more weekly reviews. Right now we’re reviewing an average of 3 to 4 books a week, which is great but pretty much our limit. So we would love to add a couple of guest reviewers to our team. I’m calling it “guest” to keep the pressure out, this doesn’t have to be a permanent position with a mandatory number of reviews, If you only wish to guest review one, that’s fine. If, on the other hand, you feel pretty serious about reviewing but find the creation of your own blog a daunting task, this is the perfect opportunity to join a blog that’s already there, all the fun, none of the fights with Blogger.

If you’re interested email me at brie.clementineATgmail.com. I will give you all the details and answer all your questions. If you have reviews posted on sites like Goodreads or Amazon that would serve as samples, please include a link. 

Remember that we review Romance and fiction with strong romantic elements, so that’s what we’re looking for. I’m particularly interested in F/F reviewers, since that’s a genre we have been neglecting and I would love to feature some of its books. 

That’s it. If you are interested and/or want to know more, contact me directly!

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