January 18, 2012


If you are in the US and/or are a blogger, you probably know all about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA). They are meant to fight online piracy but they are so broad and vague that its implications may go beyond shutting down piracy websites.

Today the online community is protesting this by blacking out their sites (you can see the list of participant sites here). Blogs are joining in too, but since I have no idea how to actually black out the blog without losing the whole thing I decided to write a post to join in the protest.

For more information you can visit the official Stop SOPA site here


  1. US congress trying to change the meaning of internet which is against the vision of the founder of internet. I believe the basic idea of internet is to share ideas and thoughts without any Restrictions. "Please Do not try to impose a threat to this ocean of knowledge"

  2. It's crazy. Seriously. o.o I signed up on the Not in the US petition, which is all I can do as an international... Trying to spread the word.

  3. this in really a romance love site as i see in with great intrust. all amusing work very amusing articles that you have the posted on this web. i like it very much.

  4. SOPA & PIPA are good laws but now a days it needs amendments with broad mind set.


Blogger likes to eat comments, so I suggest copying it before hitting "publish" just in case it doesn't go through the first time. This is a pain, I know, but it's the only solution/prevision I can think of, and it will save you the frustration of losing a comment. Also, thanks for visiting!