January 14, 2012

The Joy of Books

This is probably one of the best Youtube videos ever!

I can’t imagine the amount of time and patience it must have taken to put together this video. I know I never write posts like this one but I just wanted to share with you guys how awesome it is. And hey! It’s book-related, to technically I'm not cheating...

Let me know what you think!


  1. I love it!! No doubt. I saw this a while ago and it's so cool and cute and just... awesome. *nods*

  2. That was pretty darn cool. Whoever made that has amazing talent. And it was just fun to watch. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That was so cool. I work in an academic library and have passed it on to some of my co-workers. That must have taken hours, if not days, to get it just right. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I think days would be more accurate, you have to arrange book by book for every single shot. The result is amazing!


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