November 17, 2011

We are Mystery Bloggers!

You probably know Rebecca over at Kindle Fever, but if you don’t, her blog has a very interesting feature called Mystery Blogger where she does a quick Q&A session with different bloggers every week so that we can get to know a bit more about the people behind the blogs we love to read.

Today was our turn and we are very happy about it especially because Rebecca was one of the firsts bloggers we met and she’s been our friend ever since. So head over there to read our interview and while you’re at it take a look at her fantastic blog.

Thank you Bex, we had a wonderful time answering your questions!


  1. Cool, you're doing the featue today. Headed on over to check you out!

  2. I'm so glad you wanted to! Loved your answers. It was a pleasure having you both over. :D

  3. I just found you off of Rebecca's blog today and can I just say that your interview was HILARIOUS? I loved it! :) And your blog is so pretty & awesome, so I'm definitely your newest follower!

    It's so nice to meet you two! <3

  4. @Mini: Thank you so much Mimi! Your comment made my day.

    @Alexis: Thanks Alexis, I already knew I was awesome ;-P And so are you!

  5. Great interview, Brie and Marie! I love reading more about you ladies :)

    Good luck to Marie for her master degree! What is it in? :)

  6. Thanks nath! She's doing a master in archaeology (that's what happens when you watch Indiana Jones a million times...)


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