November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you guys have a fun day with your families, eat a lot of delicious food and if you’re going shopping tomorrow I hope you don’t get trampled to death by a crazy shopping mob! If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, then be grateful for all those extra calories you WON’T be eating and that you won't end up looking like the cat in the second picture…. Although I do have a sinful recipe that you might want to try: PumpkinPie Snickerdoodle Bars and if you’re more into savory stuff then try CreamedCorn Gratin With Fried Onions & Bacon (because bacon makes everything better).

This has been a busy week, which is why there was only one lonely review, but be sure to stop by next week because there will be lots of fun stuff including an interview with author Louisa Edwards (very appropriate since we're talking food) and a giveaway. Also, remember that there’s still time to enter the Small Blogs, BigGiveaways contest, lots of goodies up for grabs and it’s international.

Happy eating and reading!


  1. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and Marie!! :) Safe shopping as well LOL

  2. I'm late but Ihope you had a great Thansgiving Brie and Marie.

  3. Hi Brie!
    Omg how embarrassing that I'm here greeting you for Thanksgiving over a week LATE! Please accept my apologies. :)

    I loved this post--lots of great wisdom. ;)


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