October 30, 2011

Winners: Small Blogs, Big Giveaways! 4th Edition

This was our first time participating in this giveaway and it was incredible. I want to give special thanks to all the people who followed us, we at Romance Around the Corner really appreciate your support and we hope to see you soon.
The winners are:

The first winner will choose 15 items from the prize list
 Entry #2270 desi reilly
The 2nd will choose 13 items after the 1st winner has chosen 
Entry #678 sue brandes/katsrus
The 3rd will get 12 items after the 2nd winner has chosen 
Entry #846 Martina K
The 4th gets 10 items after the 3rd winner has chosen
Entry #82 LJ Kentowski
The 5th gets 10 items after the 4th winner has chosen  
Entry #4116 Orsayor L. Simmons
The remaining books and/or giftcards will be given to our hosts.
And the giftcard winners are...
$25 gift certificate to Amazon or The Book Depository
Entry #4062 Kulsuma
$15 Barnes & Noble eGift Card (US & Intl) or Gift Card (US)
Entry #3054 Mary Preston
$15 in books from the Book Depository
Entry #4897 Maureen
$10 in books from the Book Depository
Entry #355 Jeanne
$10 gift certificate to Amazon
Entry #2928 Linda Thum
Results powered by Random.org
Contest powered by Rafflecopter
The winners have 48 hours from the date the email is sent to reply and claim their prizes. If you do not contact Nat over at SBBG/Reading Romances within two days a replacement winner will be selected. NO EXCEPTIONS.
For more info on the winners and to see the prize list, please visit the Small Blogs, Big Giveaways official site here.
If you're a blogger or an author and would like to participate in the next edition you can submit your info here.


  1. Hi Karen! The next edition starts in about three weeks, be sure to stop by!


Blogger likes to eat comments, so I suggest copying it before hitting "publish" just in case it doesn't go through the first time. This is a pain, I know, but it's the only solution/prevision I can think of, and it will save you the frustration of losing a comment. Also, thanks for visiting!