July 22, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday! (07/22 to 07/29)

We Fancy Books

Today’s featured blog is We Fancy Books, don’t forget to stop by and follow them!

This week’s question is:

Q. Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?

My two favorite authors in the world are Nora Roberts and Michael Crichton. Unfortunately Michael died two years ago so meeting him would be quite difficult and scary. I’m not sure if I want to meet Nora though, because I will pee my pants and scream like a little girl who just got a pony for her birthday and that would be embarrassing. My third choice has to be Meljean Brook, I’m obsessed with her books and at this point if I could only read one book a year (which would be a tragedy so know on wood) it would be one of hers.

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