May 19, 2011

Review: Dead Reckoning By Charlaine Harris

After a couple of weeks absent I’m back with a vengeance. Oh God! Beware, because I was so disappointed by this book that I don’t know if I can be nice. Also, note that this is the eleventh book of the series so my review is going to have spoilers. Now, if you haven’t read this series go and watch True Blood and don’t even bother with the books. Believe me, I have been following this one for years and I can tell you now that I give up, I won’t be reading it anymore (to be honest I’ll probably keep reading it but just because I’m a masochist).

The book starts when a Molotov bomb is thrown into Merlote’s. At first Sookie and Sam think that it was an anti two-natures attack (because now is public knowledge that Sam is a Were). However, Sookie starts suspecting that she was the real focus of the attack. Her suspicious are confirmed when she is again attacked on her way home, and once more at Merlote’s and then again and again. Finally PIs Jack and Lily Leeds appear and explain to her who is behind the murder attempts.

NOTE: this next paragraph may have a spoiler so if you don't want to know don't read it just in case. Highlight if you want to read.

On the other hand, we have a serious situation going on between Eric and Pam; besides the tension that their new “boss” generates there is something that is bothering them but neither Eric nor Pam say anything, which was unnerving. Obviously Sookie is freaking out, I won’t tell you what it is but here is my clue: think about the worst thing that could happen in the series involving Eric and Sookie… BAM! You have it! And let me be clear, it is going to happen, not in this book, but is definitely coming and it WILL BE BAD.

There is one good thing and it is that Pam’s character has a new angle, is sad and frustrating but is nice to get to know her better. And the very best part is that they finally do something about their nasty new boss. But new problems are brewing –brewing is the key word-. There are new developments in Sookie’s life; after so many books she finally stands up for herself and shows some character. That’s a good thing. Bill is a little bolder and Eric gets back to his true self (which was refreshing). There are still some fairies around, something is going on with them but we don’t get to know what it is; Sookie is feeling more fairy everyday and she discovers why, but we don’t know what she is going to do about it. I guess that Charlaine Harris is planning to write 30 more books before unveiling the great mystery.

The whole sensuality in the series is completely lost, and that is something that I really miss. Save for one scene, Sookie and Eric are distant and going through a “dry spell”, and I don’t want to sound too focused on the sex but we are reading a romance here, a vampire romance, and everybody knows how sexy vampires are.

You might ask why this new “Sookie adventure” didn’t work for me. Well, I could start by saying that it wasn’t an adventure at all; the plot was lame, lame, and lame. I felt like I was reading a really long chapter of the book and not the whole thing, and I ended up waiting for the good stuff to happen. There are some really good moments; most of them involving Eric, but the books have definitely lost their charm. Should you read it? Only if you are a fan of the series but beware, is not good (or at least it wasn’t good for me).

Review: By Marie
Grade: 2
Sensuality: McSexy


With her knack for being in trouble's way, Sookie witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte's, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is now known to be two-natured, suspicion falls immediately on the anti-shifters in the area. But Sookie suspects otherwise and she and Sam work together to uncover the culprit - and the twisted motive for the attack. But her attention is divided. Though she can't 'read' vampires, Sookie knows her lover Eric Northman and his 'child' Pam well - and she realises that they are plotting to kill the vampire who is now their master. Gradually, she is drawn into the plot -which is much more complicated than she knows. Caught up in the politics of the vampire world, Sookie will learn that she is as much of a pawn as any ordinary human - and that there is a new Queen on the board. ..
Gollancz;  May 3rd 2011

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