April 7, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday! (04/08 to 04/15)

This week’s featured blog is My Keeper Shelf, so we say hello to Lesley who is behind the blog.

Today’s question is:

Q. Do you judge a book by its cover?

I can’t say that I haven’t bought a book because the cover was ugly, although I admit that when I see one of those covers that have some kind of computer animated characters on it – as if someone used The Sims game to do the cover- I think: that looks awful; maybe the book is about 3D porn or something! But if the reviews are good then I’ll probably read it (even if it is 3D porn!). Now, if the cover is really pretty, that might make me buy the book regardless of the reviews or whether I know the author or not (that’s how I discovered Jill Mansell), sometimes the cover looks like candy, and that just makes me hungry. 


A long time ago I used to care more about covers; if the cover was cheesy or trashy –or at least what I think is cheesy or trashy- I usually didn’t buy it. But that was only because I had the same “problem” that Mad Scientist has (see comments), I didn’t read the synopsis; once I started reading the synopsis, the covers became secondary in my reasons to buy a book. But if the cover is really really good, like the one from Already Home by Susan Mallery, I’m definitely buying it.


  1. Hopping through. What are Jill Mansel's books about?
    New follower!
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynn Pike at my blog!

  2. Hello! I just started following you. :) Please hop on over to my blog to follow me back and if you have some additional time, I would love it if you read some of my recent reviews too! Thanks and I hope you're having a wonderful night. *waves*

    -Sandra from http://sandrathenookworm.blogspot.com

  3. Hahaha I know exactly what you mean, I try avoid 3d porn covers. New Follower :) Hope you have a great weekend.

    Come check out my blog if you have time :)

  4. Oh my! I’ve got some catching up to do!

    @Everybody: thank you guys for taking the time to comment and to follow! Some of you I was already following and the rest I’m following now, and once I figure out how to do it I’m also following those who didn’t comment.

    @Jen: hi! I’m an old follower too! Good to see you!

    @Tyra: Jill Mansell writes romantic comedy, more in the chick lit department, like a Bridget Jones type of books. Her covers are very beautiful.

    @Mas Scientist: I’m the opposite of you! Not only do I read the synopsis, but I also read good and bad reviews before I buy a book! I think I was already following you but let me check.

    @Sakura: I’m definitely reading your reviews, I’m reading everyone’s actually. I hope you have a wonderful morning!
    @Amanda: I’m following both your blogs! I’m your first follower on the Romance one, which means that now you will have tons of followers because I’m awesome! Hehehehe!

    @Bookish Brunette: I was already following you! Your blog looks amazing, I love the design!

    @Tyra: you’ve got some cool pictures there, can’t even tell you the color of the blog because I was so distracted by them!

    Again, thank you for coming; hopefully we’ll be seeing each other soon!

    Take care.

  5. Hi Ladies! New follower here. Would love for you to follow me. Nice to meet you.

    For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my taste.
    Happy Follow Friday!!!
    You can check out my website http://www.judithleger.weebly.com and http://www.judithleger.blogspot.com to see what kind of books I write.
    I have two other pen names,
    L.J.Leger - http://www.ljleger.weebly.com
    Jadette Paige - http://www.jadettepaige.weebly.com and http://www.jadettepaige.blogspot.com

  6. Hi there! I'm following you guys too.

    Judith, I'm checking out all your sites.

    sch_94 I love that book cover montage on your blog! How did you do it?

  7. I agree with Marie. Every book HAS to have a good synopsis.

  8. The cover invites you into the book.

    Stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  9. I have a hard time with covers like that too! I'm a new follower! My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  10. Welcome back Alexis!

    @Tribute Books Mama, love your name!

    @Aimee, I love the look of your book!

    You all have a new follower! And I'm out of here before I write another exclamation point!!!!!!

  11. I have spent the last 3 hours browsing your blogs! They are so cool! and some of them so beautiful!! I'm a new follower in all your blogs.

  12. New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  13. It seems like it must be human nature to be more interested in something attractive than something not as pretty. Poor ugly books! :D

    Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll check out my blog too!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  14. I sometimes judge books by a cover. I'll pick up a book with a pretty cover faster than an ugly one - but ultimately it's reviews and blurbs that sell me on a book.

    Megan @ Read It, See It

  15. I Love Jill Mansell's Books :) Have you tried Carole Matthews and Chris Manby ? New Follower . www.thephantomparagrapher.blogspot.com

  16. Newest follower here via the blog hop.I am a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost everything! Hope you stop by a check out my blog.


    Love it when I find a blog dedicated to romance!

  17. @Crystal! I saw in your blog that you’re reading The forest of hands and teeth, it has a second book but I’m not sure if I really want to read it. Let me know you what you think about the book, I enjoyed. I am new follower in you blog.

    @Jenny I’m already stalking you! Nice blog

    @Megan: now I want to read Before I Fall, great review

    @Phantom Paragrapher: I haven't tried Carole Matthews but I'm planning to start reading Chrissie Manby, what do you suggest me?

    @Kelly I love books with Navy Seals! For sure I am going to read yours.


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