April 1, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday! (04/01 to 04/08)

This week’s featured blog is Book’s Ahoy, so we say hello to them, and the question is:

Q. What is the book that you really don’t want to admit to loving?

I admit that a long, long, time ago, I might have read certain V. C. Andrew’s infamous book that was full of drama, and incest, and then, even though it was more of “I can’t believe this book” than a “I LOVE it!” type of situation, I went and bought the rest of the books on that particular series and found out that when you say “this can’t get any worse” the answer is “oh yes it can”…

This is my answer, I’m sure Marie, who has raunchier tastes (yep, raunchier than Flowers in the Attic) will have a better answer latter!


Well, to each their own, right? I won’t deny or confirm anything about my taste; I can only say that I love the Harry Potter Series, I love YA books, I love romance books and so on. Basically, I’m not ashamed to admit that I like something. For example, there is this series called House of Night that I used to love (I own the first 4 books and I liked them just fine), but then I stopped enjoying the story (is too plain for my taste and I can’t stand the teenager slang). On the other hand, I did finish a certain erotica series about three brothers that share their wife. So there, I have no shame!


  1. I've seen some surprising answers but I think my response to this week's Follow Friday question will shock most.

    I have to say that I loved the Harry Potter series but have a really hard time admitting it. It's teenage stuff. Perfect for the YA audience, sure.

    But a grown man who just last week blogged about wishing he could step inside the Rogue Warrior book series with Navy SEALs shooting, looting, drinking and wenching has got a real hard time admitting to loving teenie-bopper Harry Potter.

    I go into much more detail on my blog and welcome all comments - http://www.howardsherman.net

    All I ask is that everyone try and keep their comments civil. It's cool to disagree but flame wars are NOT cool.

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!
    Howard Sherman

  2. Hi Howard!
    I had the same problem with Harry Potter, I started reading it when I was 17 and it was a bit embarrassing to be so into a “children’s book" about wizards, but the embarrassment died when I went to buy the book on a release day and everyone in the line was older than me.
    I think that’s the problem with labeling books, it predisposes people to them based on former opinions, or in most cases stereotypes, if you say this is a romance to a person who has never read one, they might think about women’s porn with Fabio on the cover (and yes, sometimes they are), the same with children’s books, Harry Potter is a perfect example of that. Yes, labels and categories help us know what we’re getting into, but just as you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover you shouldn’t judge it by its category.

  3. I read V.C. Andrew's Flower in the Attic series as well but haven't read the erotica about the brothers who share their wife. I hate when I feel like people are judging what I read, but it doesn't make me change what I read. I shouldn't care what people think but I can't help it.

    New follower.

  4. Oh I know what you mean, I used to care a lot about other's people opinion (and It is worst in my work, where everybody is an academic). But with time I have learn to give value to everything that I do, even reading erotica novels, and you can learn any other trick from them hehe. Anddd more important, I'm doing better in my work that most of these "academic people", so there, reading is good for your brain!


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